Press Coverage

Establishing Land Boundaries in the Middle East

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by Pix4D uarries present a huge challenge for industry: when in use, they are filled with However, carefully monitoring these sites is important to the owners of the quarries. Whether reports for government or environmental agencies, or for analyzing the capacity of the pit, quarry owners need to know exactly what is going on with their quarry-turned-landfill. This was the challenge for a British quarrying company, where the cost of inspecting the landfill surface every few months was costing tens of thousands of pounds. Properly surveying the progress in each cell is mandatory for quarry owners despite the expense. This is where Sky Grid came in. Landfill sites are important to monitor, but it's expensive. Sky Grid uses Pix4Dsurvey and Pix4Dcloud Advanced to be cost and time-efficient. Q T h e p o i n t c l o u d w a s i n c r e d i b l y d e t a i l e d a n d c l e a r , a n d t h e g r i d c r e a t i o n w a s a u t o m a t i c , l e a v i n g n o r o o m f o r h u m a n e r r o r f r o m m a n u a l l y c r e a t i n g t h e g r i d . D R O N E S U R V E Y I N G A N D M A P P I N G O L D Q U A R R I E S W I T H N E W T O O L S F O R N E W U S E I N D U S T R Y About Author Pix4D Route de Renens 24 1008 Prilly Switzerland Website - The clear point cloud of the Sky Grid site. large equipment moving tons of material back and forth, which is a concern for health and safety regulations. This has made worse when the quarry is no longer in use or transitions to focus on a different part of the site, as it leaves an immense pit in the ground that people or animals can fall into. In the UK, one solution for this is for empty quarries to be repurposed as a landfill. Waste is dumped into the hole, providing a space for the refuse to be stored and giving some function and regulation to the space. 1 4 G I S R E S O U R C E S | M A R C H 2 0 2 1

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