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Establishing Land Boundaries in the Middle East

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With the implementation of this technology, a new era will be ushered regarding the knowledge and delineation of boundaries, whether they are the individual parcel or the collective types of administrative boundaries. The old analogue methodologies which made the process of boundary delineation difficult to generate, maintain and update will be replaced by precise digital technologies which will not only make the process of boundary delineation easy to generate, maintain and update but will also be possible to disseminate the information to the user as well as otherwise be used in ever increasing formats and scenarios. A parcel boundary is uniquely demarcated by its corners and edges. It also has a unique area. It is now possible that the unique character of a parcel can be derived and maintained. The precision with which this technology can generate position data will make the parcel data unique for nearly all times to come i.e. until another revolutionary technology arrives to redefine the whole system of position O U T L O O K The RTN system, its functions and its deliverables can be given a name and a new autonomous entity can be created. Say for example 'Rajasthan Position Data Services Inc (RPDSI)'. The RPDSI can be made autonomous. For the initial three years Govt (Settlement Office) can fund the enterprise. After three years RPDSI will generate its own funds to pay for its manpower, maintenance, augmentation, research etc. Till such time the office of the Settlement Commissioner will manage this entity. It can create its own library where students can come to learn and do research on Geospatial Technologies with special emphasis on Geo- scientific research. It can set up an advisory service where position data is needed it times of emergency and disasters. Many other technologies can be integrated such as real time tracking for high speed road and rail vehicles. For the Rajasthan Real Time Network RTK an extremely important factor for the location of a site is the availability of infrastructure at or near the site. With the largest area to cover in the network and places which are remote and isolated, two realities force the consideration of the network spacing and geometry. First the availability of Raj Swan Point of Presence (PoPs) sites that house the required infrastructure and second the availability of Survey of India GCP control points (stable stations) that can be used where PoP sites are either not situated or not considered as suitable sites for setting up a CORS Base Station. It is of great significance that any dilution to the achievable accuracies, caused due to the location of a particular site, will be counter- productive to the capability of the technology. iii. Infrastructure A redundant/second MCC also needs to be located in case of an outage in the main MCC. It is important that the most qualified manpower is deployed for the highly specific operations of the MCC. The MCC also stores all the data generated in this system. Hence a data storage system and a backup system need to be put in place along with all security precautions. A preliminary Real Time Network RTK Base station setup is shown in the figure annexed with this document. Seema Gyan G I S R E S O U R C E S | M A R C H 2 0 2 1 2 3 The availability of infrastructure, reliable and continuous Electrical supply and communication modes, are an integral part of the design of the system. Without them the system would simply not work. Hence availability of reliable and continuous is mandatory. Where power supply is either irregular or not available, solar power is a popular means of providing power supply. Back-up generator supplied power can also be considered as a means of supplying power. Each of these methods has its own set of challenges to be overcome. Communication of data can be done over mobile networks and the internet. However the will be situations where one or the other or both will not be available in remote locations of Rajasthan. Augmentation of communication will have to be done. This can be done over time with resources generated from this technology. iv. The Master Control Centre (MCC) The Master Control Centre (MCC) is the nerve centre of the system. The MCC harbours the software that generates the corrections to be supplied to the rover. It is also the centre from where the entire operations of the system are managed The Future data generation. In the near and distant future, RTN will be the mainstay of precision and consistent data generation of parcel boundaries. References The National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) Guidelines, Technical Manuals and MIS, 2008-09. lines%20%20NLRMP%2017.4.2009.pdf Establishment of Ground Control, Network, Conducting Survey/Resurvey and Updation of the Survey & Settlement (Records), Operations in Rajasthan.

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