Press Coverage

Establishing Land Boundaries in the Middle East

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For the first time in history, vegetation encroachment risk to the entire publicly available U.S. transmission grid has been analyzed from space by the Berlin-based start-up LiveEO. The goal of this large- scale analysis was to demonstrate LiveEO's market-leading analytic capabilities to a North American audience. In total, over 15,000 public satellite images were used to evaluate risk to 574,000 miles of electricity lines. (Details about the analysis can be found at analysis) SF-based small satellite startup Capella Space is now exclusively offering the most cutting-edge synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery available on the commercial market. The company has now made available 50cm x 50cm "Spot" imagery — much higher resolution than the previous 1m x 25cm images that were the best available. SAR imagery offers advantages versus other types of satellite-based observation, because it can operate regardless of cloud cover, air visibility, lighting (whether it's day or night) and more. Space Flight Laboratory (SFL), a developer of complete microspace missions, has announced the launch and successful deployment of 12 satellites on January 24, 2021. The SpaceX Falcon 9 ride-sharing mission carried three different SFL-designed microspace platforms into orbit for three separate commercial constellations. SFL is a unique microspace provider that offers a complete suite of nano, micro- and small satellites – including high-performance, low-cost CubeSats – that satisfy the needs of a broad range of mission types from 3 to 500 kilograms. The Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP) calculates that thinning of Alaska's Taku Glacier has increased from an average rate of a half meter to two meters per year over the past two decades. Annual mapping by JIRP reveals the glacier's thickness has increased and decreased from one year to the next, likely due to snow accumulation variability, but the overall current trend shows an annual net loss of ice. JIRP monitors the complex kinematics and mass balance of the Juneau Icefield – that is, they study annual changes to ice velocity, snow accumulation, and surface melting – to estimate if the glacier is advancing or retreating over time. TCarta Marine, a global provider of space- based hydrospatial solutions, has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The research focuses on enhancing Satellite Derived Bathymetry technology for application in the coastal waters of Alaska. Capella Space Now Offers the Highest Resolution SAR Imagery Commercially Available Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) Announces Successful Launch of 12 Satellites on SpaceX Ride-Sharing Mission LiveEO Performs Satellite-Based Vegetation Risk Analysis of Entire U.S. Electric Transmission Grid Scientists Calculate Juneau Icefield Melting with 2D, 3D Glacier Models TCarta Awarded NOAA Grant to Enhance Satellite Derived Bathymetry Technology in Alaskan Waters Microsoft has announced the general availability of geospatial features in Power Apps, which include both the Address Input and the Interactive Map Component. Geospatial features empower app makers to introduce location-based capabilities into their apps to visualize and update geospatial data using tools they are already familiar with. Geospatial components, powered by Azure Maps services, can now be added with the ease of drag-and-drop and with low code development. Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Geospatial Features in Power Apps BUSINESS N E W S D I G E S T December 16, 2020 - March 15, 2021 CATALYST, a PCI Geomatics brand, has introduced CATALYST Microservices, a library of geospatial workflows and algorithms optimized to process Earth image data on the cloud at scale. Applicable to more than 70 aerial and satellite sensors, CATALYST products integrate powerful image analysis, photogrammetric and radiometric processing, and information extraction capabilities for professionals. CATALYST Microservices makes low-latency, high- refresh image processing a reality. By leveraging public cloud services, Microservices can process thousands of images covering large geographic areas in a fraction of the time on the cloud service. CATALYST Announces Cost-Effective, Fully Scalable Processing of Earth Observation Imagery on the Cloud Extensis®, a leading provider of digital asset management solutions, has announced its GeoViewer Pro for Desktop application will now be offered at no charge. GeoViewer Pro is a standalone GIS image viewer for compressed MrSID files, raster imagery, LiDAR point clouds, and vector layers. GeoViewer Pro was developed by LizardTech, now Extensis, as a paid multi- feature upgrade to the free GeoViewer application. It allows end users to view satellite, aerial and drone image files, as well as LiDAR data and GIS vectors. Moreover, it is a free way to view MrSID, JPEG 2000, NITF, LAS, and LAZ files created with the popular GeoExpress software. Extensis Offers GeoViewer Pro All-in- One Geospatial Data Viewer at No Charge 2 4 G I S R E S O U R C E S | M A R C H 2 0 2 1 TCarta Marine, a global provider of hydrospatial solutions, has introduced a Global Satellite Derived Bathymetry (G- SDB) product line developed with a new seafloor depth measurement technique that leverages Machine Learning and NASA ICESat-2 laser data. The first G-SDB offering covers the entire Red Sea – available now – with additional data sets rolled out through the end of this year. TCarta Leverages AI Technology and ICESat-2 Data to Create Global Satellite Derived Bathymetry Product

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