
White Paper - Wi-Fi HaLow Radio Technology with Trimble SX12 and EM130

Issue link: https://geospatial.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1497632

Contents of this Issue


Page 8 of 18

Wi-Fi HaLow Radio Technology 9 Line of Sight: Effect of the Survey Rod (Range Pole) If the survey rod is in the line of sight between the Trimble EM130 antenna and the SX12 antenna, it's possible that the user could experience issues with the radio performance. Whether using the fiber carbon or aluminum rods, if the EM130 antenna is too close to the rod (less than about 2 inches), the rod can partially block the radio signal. If the data collector has more than one Empower module bay, Trimble recommends mounting the EM130 module on the bay farthest from the rod to help mitigate this effect. Moreover, if you experience radio issues, try rotating the rod to allow for a clear line of sight. Effect of Environmental Elements: Multipath Reflection of radio waves off of various objects, such as heavy machinery, could result in radio signals arriving at the receiver via two or more routes, known as multipath. When this occurs it results in laggy video quality. When this is the case, if possible, move the Data Collector fitted with the EM130 module 1–2 meters in any direction to improve the performance. In indoor environments, multipath can actually help reduce the need for line of sight. Though multipath can affect the video quality, it can also ensure the signal bounces around obstructions where you otherwise would not be able to receive a signal.

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