
Trimble ProPoint WhitePaper (English)

Issue link: https://geospatial.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1514887

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Trimble ProPoint Engine: Next-Generation Centimeter Positioning and Orientation 4 The result of this new approach to signal filtering is that it permits any and all available signals to be used in the RTK position solution, as a variety of traditional methods based on signal combinations have become redundant. Although dual-frequency data is required to account for atmospheric effects on GNSS signals in RTK positioning, the improved filtering technology means that the processor can use any or all of the signals, including individual signals in harsh tracking environments, generating an optimal solution. Dynamic models tuned for application The ProPoint engine allows users to select from a dynamic model depending on what best suits their application. Using data collected in a variety of applications, models have been created that are used as inputs to the engine. Robust estimation techniques for detection of outliers The ProPoint engine identifies within the received input data any measurement that does not match a stochastic model. For each measurement that doesn't match its stochastic model, the engine will either reject the measurement, adjust the stochastic model assigned to the

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