
Trimble ProPoint WhitePaper (English)

Issue link: https://geospatial.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1514887

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Trimble ProPoint Engine: Next-Generation Centimeter Positioning and Orientation 6 This allows positions to be delivered to control systems with minimal latency while also reducing overall power consumption. Benefits of Trimble ProPoint engine The advantages of including the ProPoint positioning engine in various applications include key value drivers of accuracy, availability and integrity. Many position systems can provide some of these attributes, but the ProPoint engine delivers the positioning and orientation necessary to make your project truly successful. In head-to-head testing with the previous-generation RTK/RTX engine in challenging GNSS environments, such as near and among trees and built environments, the ProPoint engine performed at least 30% better across a variety of factors, including time to achieve centimeter precision levels, position accuracy and measurement reliability. Accuracy Open sky guidance and control applications have been benefiting from the centimeter accuracy of RTK for over 20 years. Unfortunately, most real-world, autonomous applications operate in challenging environments where satellite line of sight can be impaired. Trees, buildings, bridges and other obstacles both block and reflect incoming signals. ProPoint in GNSS-only mode, with its flexible signal management and optimal single filter approach, delivers centimeter-level accuracy results under tree canopy where at best, decimeter-level accuracies could be obtained in the past.

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