
Trimble ProPoint WhitePaper (English)

Issue link: https://geospatial.trimble.com/en/resources/i/1514887

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Trimble ProPoint Engine: Next-Generation Centimeter Positioning and Orientation 8 Considerable testing of ProPoint in a variety of environments around the world has resulted in estimates that accurately reflect the precision from computation benefits from improved noise models and the ability to adapt these models to any environment. Proven performance In order to evaluate the capabilities of ProPoint, it was essential for the team to conduct field tests that would closely approximate the types of challenges encountered by customers in the field on a day-to-day basis. To this end, Trimble carried out an extensive testing campaign, employing several different test courses around the world, each comprising different environments characterized by common GNSS obstacles such as trees and buildings. Below are examples from GNSS-only and GNSS/INS RTK tests carried out to compare the previous-generation engine with the ProPoint engine. Similar results are obtained in RTX modes. GNSS Performance The Trimble ProPoint engine provides superior GNSS-only performance in hostile environments. Looking at RTK data from a stationary 19 km baseline with the rover in a suburban environment (5 m away from a 2-story building with trees in the vicinity) an improvement is seen in both the magnitude of position errors and in the estimation of position errors. In each set of plots the top axis gives the position error in the horizontal while the bottom axis gives the vertical position error. The blue lines indicate the position error from the known coordinate for the survey point. ProPoint produces a more accurate and precise solution than the previous-generation RTK engine. The red and orange lines indicate the 1-sigma, 2-sigma and 3-sigma error estimates output by the receiver in real time. These can be seen to have dramatically improved with ProPoint, better estimating the actual position error in these harsh conditions. The error estimates are also less erratic. This will help users better gauge in real time whether or not the position solution meets their accuracy requirements.

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