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Pitchside elevation drawing The job then expanded to include a scan of the externals of the en� re stadium as well as full internals of 3 of the 4 stands and the en� re bowl sea� ng areas. Further deliverables included 12 external eleva� ons across all 4 stands, 4 pitch-side eleva� ons, a full sea� ng plan of all 42,000+ seats, 16 fl oor plans, a 3D model of the Holte Stand, internals and externals, and mul� ple sec� ons through the stadium's hospitality suites. Combining data from 4,600+ scans and mul� ple sensors Jason Jones knew that a job of this scale demanded the use of a range of survey methods and sensors. However, as an experienced Trimble Business Center (TBC) user, he also knew that, if the data capture was handled correctly, it would be a rela� vely straight forward process to combine all the collected data into a single so� ware package, in this case TBC, to help streamline and speed up the processing. On site, a range of sensors were therefore used: Trimble SX10 Scanning Total Sta� on: The BB Surveys team traversed in ground control using the SX10, carrying out some laser scans as they worked. These scans, once processed, formed the primary control for the Trimble X7 scans to be registered to. Trimble X7 3D Laser Scanner: The team supplemented their exis� ng X7 with an addi� onal one hired from KOREC to handle the high volume of work. Scans were undertaken internally and externally. For a project this size, Jason felt that Perspec� ve so� ware for in-fi eld scanner control and registra� on was key to the success of the work. The surveyors on site were able to split the scans into mul� ple registra� on sets on the controller. This not only kept the enormous amount of scans organised for the on site scan team, but also these registra� on sets transferred over to RealWorks as Groups helping to speed up the registra- � on/refi ning process. Being able to rename registra� on sets in the Perspec� ve so� ware was of signifi cant help once the data was in RealWorks. Trimble R12 GNSS: a Trimble R12 was used to survey the ground control and this allowed the team to accurately place the project onto the OS Grid although this was kept at a scale factor of 1. Rotary drone: addi� onally, the team captured aerial imagery of the roof which was then fi xed to the ground control and the point cloud was then brought into Trimble RealWorks to be com- bined with the point cloud from the terrestrial scanners. KOREC has been a great source of support and advice over the years from providing my original training in the software to helping with technical advice on the Villa Park project. Jason Jones, BB Surveys Ltd Seating plan