Customer Stories

Scanning the Stadium—A Monumental Project for BB Surveys

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In total, BB Surveys carried out 4,647 scans with the Trimble X7 plus addi� onal scans with the SX10, genera� ng over 24, billion points and more than 1,000 GB of data across four RealWorks projects. Handling the data Back at the offi ce, the SX10 and R12 data was imported into TBC to process the traverse and then the point clouds were exported into Trimble RealWorks. All data from the X7 was imported directly into Trimble RealWorks before being exported for drawing/modelling. Trimble RealWorks was used to process and combine all the laser scans. Once in the so� ware, the data was split down into four separate projects, one for the externals and pitch side scans, and another for the internals of each of the three stands scanned. This helped keep the fi le sizes smaller and consequently, more manageable. RealWorks has the ability to export the registra� on to the RAW scan fi les. This allowed Jason to bring individual scans into mul� ple projects to ensure con� nuity between projects without needing to export point clouds or re-register scans. RealWorks is also able to show mul� ple projects at the same � me and this helped him to monitor the quality of the registra� on between projects throughout the processing of the data, without needing to combine all the scans into a single project. Refl ec� ng on the highly successful comple� on of this job, Jason has no hesita� on in a� ribu� ng a signifi cant por� on of its � mely accomplishment to the combina� on of the Trimble X7 Laser Scanner and Perspec� ve so� ware, notably its on-site registra� on capabili� es. "Before we had the ability to register scans as we went along, even a job involving just fi � y scans across one or two levels could become quite cumbersome, necessita� ng site diagrams illustra� ng scan posi� ons and inter-level connec� ons. Imagine the complexity of a project like this one, with literally thousands of scans. The X7, Perspec� ve so� ware, and RealWorks have proved to be an invaluable combina� on." "Imagine the complexity of a project like this one, with literally thousands of scans. The X7, Perspec� ve so� - ware, and RealWorks have proved to be an invaluable combina� on." Jason Jones, BB Surveys Top benefi ts of the Trimble X7 for BB Surveys On-board registra� on with the Perspec� ve so� ware – this saves hours of processing � me and makes it easier for companies like BB Surveys where they have diff erent teams for data capture and processing. Plus, you can see your fully registered point cloud before you leave the site avoiding any gaps through missing scans. Point cloud generated by the Trimble X7

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