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Connected Workspace: Streamlined monitoring data transfer from the field to the office

With Trimble® Business Center (TBC) office software version 2024.00, users can now easily retrieve monitoring data stored in Trimble Connect. 

Read the entire list of new features in the Release Notes, and read on for a highlight of the top new features in Connected Workspace and how to leverage them for your monitoring workflows.

Streamline on-site rapid data collection

Semi-automated monitoring campaigns offer extended flexibility, enabling survey crews to utilize their time efficiently and repurpose optical equipment for various projects simultaneously. The advantage of these campaigns lies in the ability to quickly deploy instruments on-site for rapid data collection using the Trimble Access (TA) Monitoring app, allowing teams to collect all necessary information in a timely manner.

This approach not only simplifies the on-site process, but also offers the convenience of processing data with TBC, enhancing overall workflow efficiency.

Semi-automated bridge monitoring

The TA Monitoring app enables quick and easy site setup for fast round data collection. Users can measure all of their monitoring targets with a single "tap," speeding up the collection process while mitigating possible human error. Once the data is collected, it is stored within a .JSON file that can be exported and uploaded to Trimble Connect.  

To upload the .JSON file to Connect, go to Menu > Job Name > … > Upload

Additionally, the upload to Connect can be automated based on a defined time interval, when closing a job, when signing in or when ending a survey.

To schedule the uploads, go to the Project Listing > Sync scheduler, File upload settings.

Uploading monitoring data to Trimble Connect 

Note that the .JSON file needs to be exported after collecting monitoring data prior to uploading.

Connected Workspace with Trimble Connect

The Connected Workspace feature in TBC streamlines the retrieval of field data through a seamless integration with Trimble Connect. By enabling on-demand downloads immediately after collection by the survey crew, Connected Workspace replaces traditional data transfer methods like thumb drives, significantly reducing the risk of data loss.

Furthermore, Connected Workspace ensures that the latest data uploaded to Connect is readily accessible, providing users with the most up-to-date information for their projects. This immediate access to monitoring data enhances project efficiency, enabling timely decision-making and progress tracking — without the delays associated with manual data handling and transfer.

To download the JSON file through Connected Workspace go to Home > Data Exchange > Connected Workspace > Project Name > Files > *.JSON.

Downloading monitoring data using Connected Workspace

With the data collected by TA, the TBC Monitoring module enables the management and processing of monitoring data. It supports editing, adding and deleting monitoring epochs, as well as integrating different data including optical, level and GNSS data. Users can set custom thresholds to highlight significant movements and visualize them through 3D vectors and interactive charts. And, the platform also enables the creation of tailored reports in various formats, satisfying diverse client requirements with precision and efficiency.

Displacement report from TBC Monitoring


TBC version 2024.00 is now available for downloadContact a local Trimble Distributor to get the TBC Monitoring module, TA Monitoring app and a subscription for Trimble Connect.