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Office software

Trimble Business Center Mining

Robust software for mine surveying.

Trimble® Business Center (TBC) Mining office software delivers tools for mine and quarry survey workflows. From calculating volumes to tracking progress and optimizing operations, it equips professionals with streamlined tools for confident decision-making.


Benefits and performance

Unlock efficiency and precision in both open pit and underground mining operations with TBC Mining.

Improved mine productivity

Automate tasks like stockpile volume calculations to help you make informed decisions quickly, even with large datasets. Focus on critical mine planning and management.

Mining worker measuring a mining stockpile, with a Trimble total station in foreground
Mining worker in underground tunnel with a Trimble SX12

Safeguard your workforce and operation

Slope conformance monitoring ensures mining follows design specs, maintaining structural integrity for regulatory compliance and workers' safety.

Desktop mit Abonnementplan auf dem Bildschirm


Geringere Anfangskosten


Auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten


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Funktionen und Möglichkeiten

Advanced data processing
Optimize operations

Advanced data processing

Accelerate large point cloud dataset processing to generate detailed 3D surfaces, calculate stockpile volumes and validate material movement with ease.

Powerful visualization tools
Monitor progress

Powerful visualization tools

Track mining progress with visual tools and reports. From daily volume reconciliations to compliance checks, improve decision-making and team alignment.

Steamlined data exchange
Connect the workflow

Steamlined data exchange

With Trimble Connect® and Works Manager cloud software, streamline collaboration and exchange accurate geospatial data anytime for efficient project management.

Reliable, quality reporting
Deliver results

Reliable, quality reporting

Generate high-quality as-builts, production reports and compliance documentation, ensuring stakeholders make confident decisions throughout the mining lifecycle.


Branchen und Anwendungen

Die Zukunft Ihrer Arbeit.

Trimble unterstützt qualitativ hochwertige, produktive Arbeitsabläufe und den Datenaustausch und steigert so den Wert für eine globale, vielfältige Benutzerbasis.


Entdecken Sie, wie Trimble Ihnen helfen kann, die komplexesten Herausforderungen Ihrer Branche zu lösen und Möglichkeiten für intelligenteres Arbeiten zu entdecken.


Trimble verwandelt Daten mit der fortschrittlichsten, zuverlässigsten und genauesten Präzisionstechnologie in reale Informationen, um die Anforderungen der unterschiedlichsten Anwendungen zu erfüllen.

Product Summary

Trimble Business Center Mining

Robust software for mine surveying and planning workflows.



  • Streamlined data preparation

    Create, import and manage mine data

  • Customize mining progress reports

    Tailor reports for project tracking

  • High-resolution 3D visualization

    Features in interactive 3D models

  • Integrate and process large geospatial datasets

    Generate detailed 3D surfaces

  • Unified field-to-office workflow

    Trimble Connect and Works Manager

  • Seamlessly sync data

    Coordinate between field crews and office teams

Auswertesoftware (1)

Trimble Business Center Monitoring

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Mobile Mapping

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Bringt Präzision in anspruchsvolle Vermessungsprojekte.

Ressourcen und Wissen

Mehr als nur Daten

Mehr als nur Daten

Hervorhebung von Arbeitsabläufen, Projekten und den Menschen, die sie umsetzen.
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