
Trimble X7: Auto-Calibration Eliminates the Guesswork

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Inside the Trimble X7: Deep Dive into Trimble X7 Auto-Calibration 11 11 Impact on Return on Investment The Trimble X7 auto-calibration and mechanical design features lower the cost of ownership and reduce downtime for faster ROI. Annual calibration service for scanners can range from $3,500-$6,000 after the first year of ownership. That's an average calibration cost of $19,000 after five years and it doesn't include shipping cost or lost revenue from downtime. Companies will cover the cost of annual calibrations with extended warranties, but the average cost of a warranty is $5,200 so you can expect to pay approximately $20,800 for four years of coverage. The Trimble X7 is the only scanner on the market with a two year warranty so you won't need to consider a warranty until year three and the X7 warranty is under half the cost of the industry average. Now let's talk about loss of revenue from downtime. Calibration service typically takes 2-3 weeks and this doesn't include shipping time. In general, you can expect to have the scanner out of business for one month. The average day rate for a scanner is $1,500 so depending on the amount of work you have during the service period you could be looking at a loss of up to 20 working days or $30,000. Even if you only employ the scanner for 2-3 days/week you're losing $12,000-$18,000 in revenue during the month of service. If you consider the savings from no annual calibrations, less downtime and lower warranty cost, one X7 scanner can potentially save you enough money in five years to buy one or two more scanners, just from lower maintenance cost.

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