
5 Keys To Streamline Rail Monitoring

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...I import a track file from the Trimble Access Track Gauge Survey app to T4D Rail and the track is automatically created. The whole track is defined in a few minutes, and we can start monitoring." Collecting as-built data using the Trimble Access Track Gauge Survey app and the Trimble S9 total station. Having as-built data you can rely on is an indispensable starting component of the project, and using the above-mentioned solutions allows you to simply export all the collected as-built data into a track file and use it in T4D. Prior to investing in T4D Rail, the GEOGRID AG team would manually calculate the prism offsets from the rail and put all that data in a spreadsheet. "When the area to be monitored is greater than say 200-300 meters, that takes a lot of time. I would often spend up to a full day defining a long rail segment. The risk of error is high," said Berchtold. "That entire workflow is streamlined and automated with T4D Rail. I import a track file from the Trimble Access Track Gauge Survey app to T4D Rail and the track is automatically created. The whole track is defined in a few minutes, and we can start monitoring," he concluded. GEOGRID AG invested in Trimble ® 4D Control ™ (T4D) deformation monitoring software and then expanded their package with the T4D Rail software module in 2022, but this was the first time they had deployed it so quickly. Read more on their experience with T4D. "We installed four total stations and 180 monitoring prisms," Berchtold continued. "We measured the rail position with the Trimble ® Access ™ Track Gauge Survey app and uploaded it to T4D Rail, which allowed us to monitor horizontal and vertical displacements, as well as twist and the versines." Swiss Federal Railways, the regional rail authority for GEOGRID AG, requires these rail parameters as deliverables. If the as-built survey is available, although the same prisms are being measured, parameters can also be calculated using the actual coordinates of the rails since the as-built survey data is used to get from the measured prism to the rail. Leveraging the Trimble GEDO system or the Trimble Access Track Gauge Survey app alongside Trimble S- or SX-series total station instruments streamlines and advances the accuracy of rail as-built surveys, which directly impacts the quality and reliability of subsequent monitoring results. 5 ways to keep rail monitoring projects on track 4

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